
Medical care for humans and animals – for the episode Zoobiquity, Xenius presenters, Caroline du Bled and Gunnar Mergner, accompany the Equinox team during the treatment of a horse with equine sarcoid.


Shortly after the opening of Equinox, the Shetland pony, Lukas, was one of the first patients to be treated with complex three-dimensional radiation therapy. During his second last fraction, Lukas was accompanied by a T.V. team for the report on 1730live.de. Almost three years after his radiation therapy, Lukas is still doing well! Long may he thrive!


The horse magazine, Cavallo, describes the course of radiation therapy in a horse with spindle cell sarcoma in the article Last Chance for Daiquiry.


Radiation Therapy in Equine Medicine – This article explains the basics of radiation therapy as well as the special features of equine medicine. It gives an insight into the first two years of clinical operations at Equinox Healthcare GmbH. The article is published as Open Access at Vetline.de. Participation in the interactive training is recognised as one ATF lesson.


Equinox Healthcare GmbH
Strahlentherapiezentrum für Pferde und Kleintiere
An der Wann 8-10
63589 Linsengericht

T. +49(0) 6051 49098 – 10
F. +49(0) 6051 49098 – 11
